Narratives and counter-narratives in religious responses to COVID-19: A computational text analysis

Paper published on PLoS ONE on religious responses to COVID-19 authored by Ellen Idler, John A. Bernau, and Dimitrios Zaras.

Study Volunteers Needed

Study Description: A sociology honors student is seeking individuals to participate in a study exploring the identity negotiation strategies of politically liberal Christians in both religious and political spaces to determine which identity becomes salient and why....

Honoring Graduates

On Wednesday, May 12, we held a Zoom to honor our 2021 graduates. Visit this post to view photos, presentation slides, and the Zoom presentation.

IAMSCU Declaration on Global Vaccine Equity

The International Association of Methodist Schools, Colleges, and Universities (IAMSCU) has issued a Declaration on Global Vaccine Equity from their May 4 webinar/consultation.

Postdoctoral Position — Wake Forest University School of Divinity

Wake Forest University School of Divinity was awarded a grant to establish the Gilead COMPASS Initiative® Faith Coordinating Center to build the capacity of faith communities to address HIV/AIDS in the South.

Postcolonial Images of Spiritual Care: Challenges of Care in a Neoliberal Age

[Virtual] Book Launch -- Postcolonial Images of Spiritual Care:  Challenges of Care in a Neoliberal Age January 14, 2021  |  7:00-8:30 p.m. EST   Edited by Emmanuel Y. Lartey & Hellena Moon Foreword by Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'Im / Epilogue by Bonnie...

A successful Covid vaccine rollout will require help from faith leaders

Some Americans are skeptical about taking a Covid vaccine. Could religious leaders convince them?

Podcast: “Religion as a Social Determinant of Health”

Ellen Idler, PhD, was recently interviewed by Dr. Sharon Bergquist for her long-running podcast, The Whole Health Cure, about religion as a social determinant of health Ellen Idler, PhD is the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Sociology, and Director of Emory’s...

Public Health, Religion & Spirituality Bulletin: Issue 2, Spring/Summer 2020

The second issue of the Public Health, Religion and Spirituality Bulletin, a publication of the Public Health, Religion, and Spirituality Network (publichealthrs.org) has now been released. Two issues appear per year, Fall and Spring/Summer, and are published online...

Resuming Care-filled Worship and Sacramental Life

An ecumenical group of theologians, scientists, physicians, pastors, bishops, and practitioners from United Methodist, Evangelical Lutheran, Episcopal, and Roman Catholic traditions, led by the Rev. Dr. L. Edward Phillips, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, have convened to provide protocols for Worship, Fellowship, and Sacraments during a time of pandemic.